... but only in my mind. Dee and I are in Wilmington, N.C., hanging around the state's ocean edge before heading inland Friday for the opening of the "Clay and Blogs: Telling a Story" show in Southern Pines. Unfortunately, it turns out the weather is hanging out in this part of the state, too. Rain has been falling for days here, with flooding everywhere. We just strolled the streets of Wilmington, getting about as wet as it is possible to get, but loving the views along the Cape Fear River and the coffee at Port City Java.
The rumor is that Friday's weather around Southern Pines will be sunny and bring out all the pot-lovers to the Campbell House Galleries for opening of the show Friday from 6 to 8 p.m. It promises to be a party, with many of the exhibiting potters present. Including us, if we can wade across North Carolina to get there.
We have already visited with two good potter friends in Virginia. We stayed overnight with Lorraine Colson in Alexandria, Va., outside Washington. Lorraine is a fine potter who sells at the Scope Gallery in Alexandria's Torpedo Factory art center. She and I were students together for many years there. Then we stopped for breakfast and coffee with Dan Finnegan, whose work will be in the Southern Pines show. (I've stolen a photo of it on display there from Meredith Heywood's blog.) Dan lives in beautiful Fredericksburg, Va., about an hour south of Lorraine. He owns Liberty Town art center, which has become the thriving center of much of the arts in Fredericksburg. Dan is a wonderful wood-fire potter, with a studio and kiln in the woods near soybean fields a few miles outside of Fredericksburg. And he's my former teacher, as well as Lorraine's.
We also stayed a couple of nights here in Wilmington with a good friend from our Virginia days, LeAnne Ward Smith, a university teacher here and a genuine Tar Heel and a lover of handmade pots.
That's all for now. We'll see you at the opening Friday, y'all.