Sunday, August 31, 2008

New pots at Hatchville today

I always open a new kiln with a mix of expectation and trepidation. It was the same way this morning when I opened the door and looked inside with my flashlight at about 7:30, before I took Dee to church in Woods Hole and I went on to Coffee Obsession to meet friends. It looked okay ... not bad in the front ... hard to tell about the back ... oooohhhh, that ash glaze ran off that vase ... cups look okay ... copper red's nice ... and I only had a minute to look at it.
We came back about 10, had breakfast and then began the serious business of unloading. A fair number of pots that need grinding on the feet, where Phil Rogers' standard ash glaze ran over the wads and onto the shelf. I'll have to add more clay to the next batch. The brown clay body jars glazed in a carbon trap Shino and then overglazed in ash look good. They're dark, somber pots. But with a load of autumn dahlias they'll look wonderful.
The temmokus look fine, too, good reduction and nice breaking of the glaze on the edges of the marks impressed on them. There are a couple of white Shino plates with swirling iron brushwork showing through. I like them right away. And there are eight cup-and-saucer combinations, glazed in the Rogers ash glaze, that look pretty good. Rough, but just fine.
I've got to get to the grinding right away and decide what gets set aside for shows and what goes out into the gallery. And as I do all of that post-firing work I'll get to know the pots a bit and decide which ones I like better than others.
Not a bad firing, overall. Darker than usual, but that's mostly because there was a predominance of brown clay in there, with relatively little of the semi-porcelain B-Mix that is my usual clay body.
Here are a couple of photos. Tell me what you think.

1 comment:

elodea said...


Any chance you can contribute to my site?

If so, I will post a link to yours :)
