Friday, March 19, 2010

Building July inventory in March

The past few days here on Cape Cod have been as pleasant as it ever gets in March. Temperatures in the 50s during the day, sunny skies, crocuses in full bloom in the yard and green shoots pushing up in all the gardens. For those of us who make things to sell to the market of summer visitors, it's a reminder to build inventory.
So I fired yesterday, a kiln filled with chowder bowls, mugs, vases and teabowls. I opened and unloaded this morning. It was a quiet firing on the Shino side, with the carbon-trap trapping very little carbon. That happens sometimes. But the Leach White Ash glaze took the spattered iron slip very well, showing iron red and brown against the pale white ash glaze. And the dependable temmoku with copper red and white ash glazes over the rims looks good.
Here's a selection from the firing. The chowder bowls are inspired by two handled bowls that our friends Denise Marcoux and Chris Bromfield bought from potter Paul Jessop last fall in Barrington. Here in New England, clam chowder and fish chowder are popular local soups and calling these bowls "chowder bowls" will help the buyer figure out why he or she needs them. So, thanks, Paul (and Denise, who told me I should make some), for the inspiration.


cookingwithgas said...

here we call those chili bowls!
I love fish chowder.
Do you have a favorite recipe?
PS-74 here today!

ang design said...

love your tea bowls and vase forms..

Hollis Engley said...

I'll send you a recipe, Meredith. It's pretty basic, but good. Thank, Ang. I've been making pretty simple forms lately.

ang design said...

and if you feel like tossing an ash recipe to me i'd love to test my ash firing is coming up v.soon...cheers angx

ladyofclay said...

You're right about dusting yourself off and getting back up on that pony... better days are ahead. Your latest pics prove that.
The handles on the chowder bowl show that. They spring off the bowl and dive down to the base so gracefull and lively ! beautiful depth and variation in your glazes. very nice.
I have a yummy hamburger soup recipe I'll trade for a copy of your chowder recipe if you are willing.

Hollis Engley said...

OK, Ang. Recipes are on their way to you. Let me know how they work out. And Colleen, I'll come up with a chowder recipe for you and Meredith. It's all pretty simple.

Tracey Broome said...

Don't know which I like better the glaze on the chowder bowls or the thoughts of having some Cape Cod chowder! Great looking pieces as always!!

Hollis Engley said...

Thanks, Trace. It's about 7 now and the sun is coming up under yet another clear sky. Time to get back to making pots and head for another firing.

wabi sabi said...

sweet pots man
The splashes on the bottle vases are super cool!

Hollis Engley said...

Thanks, Adam. Just an iron slip splashed across the Leach white ash. Works pretty well.