Friday, September 3, 2010

Update on Earl ...

Morning dawned still, cloudy and very warm today. Much like the past few days. South of us, Hurricane Earl was headed up the coast in our direction, maybe to pass a bit east of us. At the local coffee shop, things were more or less as they usually are. The same group of people at one table solving the political problems of the world, the same solitary newspaper readers and laptop fondlers, the same moms and kids. "Hurricane's Brewin'" read the top of the blackboard list of day's coffees. A bit of gallows humor here and there, as people who had already turned over the lawn furniture and filled emergency cans of water wondered what they'd do until the Big One arrived. One woman claimed that all she needed to get through the storm was tequila, blue corn chips and guacamole. (Actually, not a bad plan.)
I headed home via the Bourne shore of Buzzards Bay, to see what the waterfront looked like. Along Route 28, the road out of Falmouth toward the Bourne Bridge, snorkel trucks were pulled over to the side, brought in to deal with the trees expected to fall in the big wind. Out on the harbors, the water was smooth as glass, with a bit of activity here and there as the stragglers pulled out their boats.
No panic evident anywhere. No publicly expressed thoughts of Katrina-type disaster, or of the thorough upset brought in here in 1991 by the sudden appearance of Hurricane Bob, the last direct hit on Cape Cod. Just another big blow ... maybe.
At top, a Herreshoff 12 1/2 sits serenely at anchor at Barlow's Landing in Pocasset. Note the boarded-up summer house on the shore behind. Below that, hauling in the small boats nearby. Then, calm at Parker's Boatyard in Cataumet on Redbrook Harbor. Bottom, waiting for the trees to come down.
See y'all on the other side.


Peter said...

Good luck with Earl, I hope he is a well behaved visitor..., or better still fails to visit at all. I guess you will be doing something creative with the tomatoes that you rescued in case your visitor arrived! Best wishes from a wobblin' New Zealand! (a bit of a quake this morning).

Hannah said...

Been wondering about you guys after listening to the news telling about Earl. My American geopgraphy is so poor I had to come home and look at a map to see where you all are in relation.
Hope it's just a breeze you get. best wishes,hx

Barry said...

Looks like a medium deal. Lots of rain about to come in. Bob was a hoot, though we had no power for a week. I lost a freezer full of food back then, but no real damage.

ang design said...

wow...really?? hope its just a bit blustery then and it rolls past you.. did you get some tequila??

Hollis Engley said...

We weren't here for Bob, Barry. But we keep hearing about it. Yes, really, Ang. The wind and rain started up about 10 p.m. It's blowing a bit out there now and raining. Should get more rain and higher wind through the night. Nothing gigantic, though. And no, Ang, no tequila. White wine with dinner, though.