Friday, April 3, 2009

Firing under way

I'm firing today. Started candling this morning about 8:45 and just came out of heavy reduction after cone 012 went over. This is a different schedule for me; usually I candle overnight, then begin turning up the gas at 5 a.m. and shut down some time before noon. But I had to go into the coffee shop this morning to deliver a check for an upcoming show at Hatch St. Studios in New Bedford, so I thought I'd try this firing schedule.
Biggest problem with it - I don't get in to Coffee Obsesssion at noon for my post-firing cup of coffee.
This load of pots is left over from the past couple of firings, a bunch of bowls and teabowls, mostly, plus seven or eight Dan Finnegan pots from his recent workshop here on the Cape. It's a heavy responsibility to glaze Finnegan's pots and fire them. Or any other accomplished potter, for that matter. These pots of Dan's will go back to the Cape Cod Potters and will somehow be auctioned off to help the Potters' education fund. If they survive the firing, that is. We'll see.
Finnegan looks at this blog, so I'm happy to tell him here that I only used copper red on two of them. I think. One small one and as an accent color on the small creamer, above a deep temmoku. It sure is tempting to do the whole load in copper red and VC Blue ... but I resisted.
Tomorrow afternoon we should know how things turned out.


Dan Finnegan said...

My future lies in your able hands....

Hollis Engley said...

Famous last words ...