Thursday, October 29, 2009

Two new hands at the pottery

I was joined in the studio this afternoon by Alli Connolly, a senior at Falmouth High School and an enthusiastic clay person. Alli is part of a high school art student mentoring program run by the Cape Cod Museum of Art. The program puts students into studios several hours each week to learn the things that happen there. Not just throwing pots, but everything from pricing work to mixing glaze to planning for shows.
Linda Kemp runs the program and members of the Cape Cod Potters have been participating for years. This is Alli's second internship; her first was with sgraffito potter Tessa Morgan in Woods Hole last year.
I've been making a lot of faceted and torqued pots lately, and was doing that when she came in. So I threw a couple to demonstrate and then turned the wheel over to her. She's made a good start, especially considering that she hadn't thrown on the wheel for several months. Now she has to come up with a project to work on over the next couple of months. Her work and mine will be in a show at the museum in May, along with the other students and mentors.


Barry said...

Excellent, Hollis.

Can't wait to see her work (and more of yours, of course).

Dan Finnegan said...

I used to be involved in a program like yours for middle school art students and I know several who work as artists today. It's a great thing to do!

Unknown said...

Alli is so very excited to be working along side you, Hollis. You two are a great match. Looking forward to seeing her evolve as a potter with your help.

Hollis Engley said...

And I will correct the spelling of her name on the blog. Thanks, I think she's an adventurous student and I'm happy to have her in the studio.

Marcus said...

What a great idea -- can't wait to see what you guys come up with together.

Hannah said...

Monday not sunday but thanks for remembering!

Hollis Engley said...

Hey, I'm old. I'm lucky i can remember anything like that.

MVBLH said...

What a cool program! And lucky Alli to get to work with you.

Paul Jessop said...

Alli looks a bit of a babe hollis are you able to concentrate ?
I know!
I Know!
and I'm old enough to be her dad.

Still good luck to you both sounds like a great Idea.