Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thinking good thoughts for Dan Finnegan

Most of the readers who see my blog also see Dan Finnegan's (danfinneganpottery.blogspot.com) So most of you probably already know that the Fredericksburg, Va., potter and our great friend is having cancer surgery Friday. Dan has been diagnosed at age 54 with what is perhaps the best form of colon cancer that anyone can have, assuming there's a "best form" of any cancer.
It appears this disease was caught early (through a colonoscopy) and is eminently operable and curable. Dan is confident in his medical people in Fredericksburg and he has a community of loving friends in that town who will care for him while he recovers.
But Dan, like many extemely creative artists, has no health insurance. So he is discovering how the hospitals and doctors will negotiate the costs of expensive surgeries and other related health care downward. Still, there are already funds being raised to help him in his recovery. I'll be in touch with the Fredericksburg people in the next day or so and get further information.
Meanwhile, we at the Cape Cod Potters organization, where Dan has given a number of workshops, will auction several pots that he made at his last workshop and the proceeds will go to help Dan after surgery. I'll attach a photo of Dan in his most recent workshop and some of the pots that I glazed and fired here at Hatchville. Dan would no doubt hasten to add that he would never, ever, use copper red on his pots.
More word here when I get more information on how you can help.


Kittie Howard said...

Sending lots of good thoughts Dan does just fine on Friday. It looks like they caught it soon enough for a full recovery -- I love pottery, have collected some from our travels. Would also love to take a course but a bit of arthritis in the right hand squashes that. So, enjoyed your blog very much.

Hollis Engley said...

Thanks, Kittie. You're part of the pottery equation; we all need people who like and buy our work.

Marcus said...

Oi... that's a bit of bad news, but it sounds like it was caught early, thankfully. I'll keep my eyes peeled for more info from you.

Hollis Engley said...

Thanks, Marco. It's been a lousy year that way.