Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Inertia defeated yet again ...

I have been slow about getting pots together for this next firing. (Which makes no sense, given that I have several shows over the next two months.) It takes about 100 pots to fill the kiln and I can throw that in a couple of days, if I'm working steadily. A week if I'm otherwise engaged part-time. But there are periods of time when I'll do anything but throw pots.
Fortunately, once I made the first few teabowls, I catch on again pretty quickly. And it's been good the past few weeks to have Alli Connolly in here, eager to make her own pots.
So ... here's a bit of a look at the dry-stacked kiln. Did this yesterday and talked with Alli about why I do it, wadding pots, arranging shelves, making sure I can see the cone pack, that sort of thing. Sometimes it helps to explain the process so that I understand it better myself.
The last bisque firing happened yesterday, with very necessary mugs and more faceted teabowls coming out of the electric kiln today (pictured at bottom). Will have to find a place for them in the glaze firing.
I'll start glazing tomorrow, with Alli coming over to glaze her teabowls and a couple of vases that will be in the kiln this time. Onward ...


Dan Finnegan said...

My surgeon has prescribed inertia (with a daily walk for excitement). It's good to know that pots are still being made.
I've heard from a number of folks on the Cape lately. A good thing.

cookingwithgas said...

Yep Christmas hell and all we want is to sit back, have a beer and take it easy!

Hollis Engley said...

Yes, there's a contingent here on the Cape that wants you to get better, Dan, then come back and tell stories again.
And yes, a beer. Or two. But I guess not yet.

Lori Watts said...

Glad it's not just me that sometimes needs to give myslef a shove to go make stuff!

imagine said...

Those bowls look fantastic, so full of life and vigour,I can't believe that you aren't fired up yourself.
I hope you show us the results.

Hollis Engley said...

Thanks, John.I will, tomorrow. Just shut down the kiln a few minutes ago.

Marcus said...
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Marcus said...

I'll have a beer for you tonight Dan. You're welcome.