Thursday, November 18, 2010

Around the disaster of a studio ...

My studio is always a mess. But never more so than when I'm glazing. Which I did over the past few days, finished loading the gas kiln Wednesday afternoon, then fired it off today. During the glazing, I made a few photos of the mess, thought some might enjoy it. Or get encouragement from it, as in, "Good lord, I'm nowhere NEAR as messy as that guy."
I'll shoot the new pots tomorrow and post again. Near as I can tell from the firing schedule today, everything went off as it should have. Turned on the gas about 9:15, cone 10 went down about 3:30. The few pots I can see through the peeps look OK.


cookingwithgas said...

oh- that is good disaster! Mess is good, it means you are working!

Dan Finnegan said...

Just cleaned mine up late last night after hitting it with bomb the last few days! Hope yours is tasty!

Kari Weaver said...

I am a total pig when I'm glazing. If the weather's nice I go outside, but I still manage to glaze bits of myself.

Can't wait to see your after shots.

Togeika said...

When I first started my apprenticeship and my wife Jean looked around at my teacher's studio, she said, "Wow, will I be able to look forward to you being neat after your training?" Both his studio and the craftsmen/apprentice studios were immaculate, especially the just finished craftsman/apprentice studio (old thatched roof studio's main beam cracked.) The training has helped some, but I'm still a messy worker. I am a messy cook and baker too.

Hollis Engley said...

Yeah, me, too. "Total pig" more or less describes my studio decorating style, Kari. And yes, Lee, I cook the same way.