Monday, August 29, 2011

Only a glancing blow from Irene ...

Hurricane Irene blew in yesterday with some heavy gusts, minimal rain, surf, trees down and power out in places here on Cape Cod. We only got the eastern edge of the storm, fortunately for us. Others in the Northeast were less lucky, with the storm barreling up the Hudson River Valley and dropping as much as a foot of rain on some very small creeks, turning them into destructive rivers.
Dee's sister Ellen, visiting from Schoharie, N.Y., near Albany, with her husband Russ, heard last night that their village and nearby Middleburg were both evacuated because Schoharie Creek was expected to be well past flood stage. This morning it's apparent that it went about ten feet beyond flood stage, inundating downtown Schoharie, including the building that houses Russ's law office. Farmers in the beautiful bottom land along the creek have lost their season's crops, tractors, trucks, barns, herds of sheep. As exciting as the storm was for us here, it's a disaster for the Schoharie Valley.
Russ has headed back to New York to see what he can do there. Ellen will go later. All of Dee's siblings were here on the Cape for the Sunday wedding in Newport, R.I., of our nephew Jason. That wedding was canceled because of the storm, apparently with no new wedding date. The honeymoon, we hear, is still on.
I'll attach photos of part of yesterday. Always fun to go out and watch a hurricane. From the top: Surf on Buzzard's Bay at Wing's Neck; Dee's sister Marcy and our niece Rhobie in the surf;
Dee (right) and our friend Tammy, both trying to fly; dealing with the wind, with Mike, Tammy, Rhobie and Dee.


MVBLH said...

Always wondered what kinda people venture out in Hurricane Conditions. I should've known :-)

Seriously, glad you were all spared the worst; same here in faraway downtown Falmouth.

See ya at Coffee O soon?

Anna M. Branner said...

Glad to hear it was only a glancing blow. Friends in Vermont are struggling with the massive flooding and road destruction.....

Tracey Broome said...

:) great photos, reminds me of the good old days when I lived on the coast. My friends and I would go out in the storm and take the same kind of photos. Glad you are all safe, sorry to hear about the wedding, so much planning and so many people involved, too bad. Gerry is still on the coast, but I think heading home today, he is fried!

Hannah said...

Fab photos Hollis.
Glad you guys didn't get the brunt of it.

cindy shake said...

Glad all my East Coast blog buddies are OK -the news has made it so much worse -glad to get the real scoop and glad no major damage to you guys!

Peter said...

Glad that you are OK Hollis, I did wonder how the hurricane would affect your area. It certainly looked a massive system on the satellite photos.

cookingwithgas said...

Glad all is good- but so sorry no wedding but hey a honey moon with out the wedding sounds mighty good!

gz said...

good to hear you're ok.

A short walk in a stiff breeze can be exhilarating...reckon you had a bit more than that!!