Monday, June 4, 2012

Running away from the shards ...

We went down to Truro and Provincetown tonight, to join old friends Brent and Kris McCullough. B and K were married at the same hour of the same day we were in 1970, but several hundred miles apart. We met them on Martha's Vineyard a couple of years later and have been good friends ever since. Kris is a dietitian and Brent is the best photographer of the natural world that I know.
We met at the motel for a bit of wine and then drove into Provincetown to stroll the cold and Janauary-like streets (damn, what crappy weather ... ) and had a good dinner at Napi's.
I love Provincetown in the off-season. Here are a few photos.
Tomorrow I begin glazing for a firing later in the week.

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