Saturday, January 10, 2009

Good pots for good food with good friends

I always like Dan Finnegan's description of functional clay dinnerware as "good pots for good food." That's what we had here in Hatchville tonight, while the light snow swirled around the Christmas lights on the deck outside the dining room.
Bob Skilton and Jo Ann Muramoto and Mike and Tammy Race were here for dinner after seeing "The Reader" at the nearby Nickelodeon Theater. Jo Ann made a delicious posole pork stew with red and green chile, Tammy made a salad, Mike made flan for dessert. Dee and I supplied the cooking facilities.
As she was tasting the stew, Jo Ann said, "Do you have any bowls?" And then she laughed, knowing the answer. There are plenty of my bowls on this table, but also a Finnegan teabowl, a Willi Singleton teabowl and a yellow earthenware bowl from a Quebec potter in front of Dee (who's at the right), a Byron Temple wood-fired bowl full of posole in front of Bob (next to Dee), and Jo Ann is seen dropping a handful of cilantro into her Bill Van Gilder bowl full of posole. The bowl in front of my empty chair is a wood-fired one from one of Chris Gustin's assistants and the iron red water pitcher was made by Gerry Williams.
Tomorrow I'll fire the electric kiln with several slipware bowls. We'll see ...


Paul Jessop said...

The pots just look great, To me thats what this whole thing is about. nice one!

Hollis Engley said...

Thanks, Paul. I love that part of being in this business.