Thursday, July 16, 2009

Second Kiln-opening of the summer Saturday

I've just finished glazing and packing the kiln for a Friday firing. We'll be opening the door about 11 a.m. Saturday morning, when the new pots cool down a bit. We'll see if we can lure a few more people out here on July 18 than we got on July 4.
We'll be serving good coffee and something delectable from the Pocasset kitchen of the multi-talented artist (that's her garden sculpture in the upper left corner of the top back shelf of the kiln) and chef Donna Sutherland. Donna is part of the regular unloading crew here in Hatchville and a fine cook.
This firing has a lot of bowls in it. Squared bowls, like the ones pictured, which are from the firing two weeks ago. I started making these squared things, cutting the rims and leaving the throwing rings intact, and I made a bunch of them. That's what happens when I get into an idea. The throwing rings work well with the ash glazes I use, the glaze pooling on the upper part of each ring. And the temmoku and copper red break on the rings and on the edges of the crackle slip.
If you're in or near Falmouth, stop by on your way to the beach.
Driving Directions: From Route 151, enter Boxberry Hill Road at the blinking traffic light at the intersection of 151, Boxberry Hill and Sam Turner, we're on the right, at the corner of Brady Drive, with a "Pottery" sign out front. Park in the driveway on Brady Drive. Coming from Falmouth via Sandwich Road, take a left on Hatchville Road at the Falmouth Jewish Congregation, pass Coonamessett Farm and bear right at the next fork. Hatchville Road dead ends at Boxberry Hill Road. Turn left at the stop sign and we're the second house on the left.


maria said...

Hola Hollis,
I like these two square bowls very much. The light of the photos is very beatiful.

Anonymous said...

dreamy bowls, yummy surface

Hollis Engley said...

Thanks, Maria and Jim. I saved those two out as my favorites from that firing. The next batch should be firing now, but I've got some automatic shutdown problems with the valve. An actual "kiln-opening" tomorrow is in some danger. Think nice thoughts.