Saturday, August 29, 2009

Danny passes through, wetly

Tropical storm Danny paid us a rainy visit last night and all day today. The skies have opened up and dropped who knows how many inches of rain on the Cape. It's been reeeaaalllllly wet. Pots for next week's firing have been drying very slowly, with no sun and heavy humidity. The tomatoes and the flowers, which really didn't need all that much water, got a bucketload. Several bucketloads.
But it could have been worse. There was almost no wind, which is a blessing. We've avoided direct hits by hurricanes here for some years. I can remember real chaos in the '50s and '60s, when we seemed to get hit head-on every year. Not since we moved back here ten years ago, though.
Artist friend Donna Sutherland was here yesterday with her friend Sandy and, after finding pots they liked in the gallery, both took turns on the wheel. Donna, a former art teacher, knows what she's doing. That squared bowl in the foreground of the greenware photos is hers. Sandy had never been on a wheel before, but came up with a nice little shallow bowl after a predictably disastrous first go-round.
The tomatoes survived the storm, and the morning glory outside our kitchen window looked pretty good covered in rain.

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