Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Handmade on Premises: Pots and salad

It's the time of year when we usually have more than enough fresh ripe tomatoes in the garden. It's been a generally bad year for tomatoes in the Northeast, with a blight taking lots of big fields out of production. And it was wet here on Cape Cod in the late spring and the garden generally is pretty disreputable. Still ... we have enough good tomato plants to supply the two of us with nightly salads, fresh pasta sauce and good tomato sandwiches. So we're not complaining.
We traveled to Greece many summers ago and were enthralled by the ripe Greek tomatoes, served simply with feta cheese and good olive oil. Since then, our son married into a Greek family and we've been back to the old country and eaten yet more great tomatoes, feta and oil. So, this Anglo-Portuguese house's summer salad standby is the photo you see here.
I'm planning our next firing for next week, probably late in the week. I've got an order for faceted temmoku salad bowls from a couple in Chatham, plus I need more Shino teabowls to replace the ones that sold so well at the Chatham show, plus I'm firing some pots for the man who dug the Antarctic oceanic mud from 4,500 meters down. So that's all part of what you see in the two photos of drying pots. More to come ...


Hannah said...

good looking tomatoes there. From our garden so far this year we have had one corgette, a dozen onions and a runner bean.
There's going to be two hungry folks on the prowl in south west scotland.

Anonymous said...

that salad is making my mouth water... looks like you've been busy, cool pot shots

Hollis Engley said...

Trying to keep working, even in the summer heat, Jim. What, ONE runner bean, Hannah? No wonder you Scots are notorious meat-eaters.

brandon phillips said...

those are some killer feet on those yunomi/teabowls. i need your address so i can send you a box of goodies!