Friday, February 26, 2010

A light firing ... sort of

I fired yesterday. This was a kiln with only about 30 pots in it, most of them tall vases or wide plates and bowls. Many two-to-a-shelf pots. So glazing took about a quarter of the time it usually does to get a 100-pot firing together.
And I mixed a couple of new glazes - a Leach White Ash (90 percent Cornwall Stone and 10 percent wood ash) and an Ohata Kaki. Had to substitute yellow ochre for about a third of the iron oxide in the recipe, which made the glaze not as satisfactory as I would have liked. Not as glistening, crystally iron red as the tests, that is. Ah, well. There was no more RIO to be found in the studio. My fault.
But the Leach ash is an interesting glaze, and a breeze to mix up. It takes my iron oxide trailing slip really nicely, the slip showing up as an iron red when it's applied to the glaze. That one tall bottle with the iron splashes is what I'm referring to. It also lets a white slip hakeme show beautifully under the ash, and it does nice things when poured or dipped over temmoku.
Otherwise, the trapping shinos worked well in this one. As did the temmokus.
Now, on to a couple of writing assignments, both from blogging friends.


Tracey Broome said...

Well, there are your landscape photos!
I showed your tea bowl to my friend that I have been Raku firing with. She has a very Japanese aesthetic and studied in Japan, and she now wants to get together and try some shinos like this. You have inspired her from afar!

Hollis Engley said...

Sounds great, Tracey. Let me know if you need glaze recipes.

ang design said...

that last selection of pots makes a great photo!! love em..

Hollis Engley said...

Thanks, Ang. Tall bottle vases those are. I'm a fan of the crackled Shinos.

rwhendrix said...

Beautiful wild glaze on your latest pots. I really like the way they look.

MVBLH said...

Third photo from the top, middle pot--is that the leach ash, too? Gorgeous!

Hollis Engley said...

Yes, Brenda, the middle pot in the third photo is Leach ash over hakeme brushwork.