Tuesday, July 13, 2010

On my front step ... one barn, four magazines

I peeked outside early this afternoon to see what was happening out on Boxberry Hill Road and my eye was caught by a couple of things stacked on one corner of the front step. They might have been there since yesterday; we were down-Cape and returned after dark last night. At some point yesterday or this morning, the postman brought a package of Studio Potter magazines and a box from Chapel Hill, NC.
Both were lovely surprises. If you haven't yet seen the latest SP, you should, especially if you're a pottery blogger. Meredith Heywood, of Whynot Pottery in NC, and I worked together on a story I wrote about blogging potters and the upcoming "Clay and Blogs: Telling a Story" show in Moore County, NC, in October. The editors did a great job laying out the story and including a number of photos of pots done by people in the show. The main photo layout is in the image above.
The box from Chapel Hill had Tracey Broome's name on it and the word "Fragile" rather prominently and numerously all over it. I suspected what was inside. Turns out it was indeed one of Tracey's beautiful handbuilt barns. In fact, it's her very first, which I know is a difficult thing to let go. Thank you, Tracey, I love it. I had figured I might buy one when we come down for the blogging show in October. Now it lives on a table in our dining room, flanked in this photo by a pot of mine and a teabowl of Phil Rogers. If you don't know Tracey's barns, take a look at her blog in the column of blogs to the right, under "A Potter's Life for Me." This first one has led to a community of lovely vernacular clay architecture in miniature, her translations of the barns of the Carolina countryside.


cookingwithgas said...

How very exciting!
First the barn! Luck you!
second studio Potter- this is really going to happen!
I can't wait to see a copy of it.
Well done Hollis!

Hollis Engley said...

Thanks, Meredith, but you're the driving force. The whole thing is pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

congratulations hollis, i sure would like to get a copy, maybe you could post the text for us non-subscribers someday

Hollis Engley said...

I can do that, Jim. In fact, I can probably just email you the text. Give me an address.

Tracey Broome said...

Hey! glad the barn survived! I'm just getting back from the beach, how exciting to see the Studio Potter, gotta get a copy somewhere! The photos look great don't they?

Hollis Engley said...

Yes, Tracey, the photos look great. There's one more a couple of pages on, one of my anagama Shino pots from a couple of years ago. It's a very readable issue of the magazine, my own story aside. Welcome home. This has been good beach weather up here on the Cape. No doubt the same down your way.

togeii said...

Hello Hollis,
Is there an online link to the SP article?

FetishGhost said...

What a beautiful spread!
Thank you tucking me in Hollis.

Hollis Engley said...

You're welcome, Zyg. Put you to sleep, did I?
Dave, I don't think there's one online. Gotta buy the magazine, I guess.

Meagan Chaney Gumpert said...

Hi Hollis! Thanks for the posting on the Studio Pottery article. I need to buy a copy. What is the issue # etc., so I can make sure and order the right one online?

Meagan Chaney