Tuesday, February 8, 2011

UK Potters tour is coming together

Doug Fitch and Hannah McAndrew touch down on U.S. soil April 5 at Logan Airport in Boston, a few days before the first of three workshops on Cape Cod, in Virginia and in North Carolina. I am apparently the welcoming committee and will be there to greet them and bring them to Cape Cod. Hannah tells me she's been reading about the Pilgrim Fathers, so perhaps we should stop in Plymouth on the way to the Cape and introduce her to a Pilgrim or two. Or perhaps a Pilgrim Mother ...
I'm only posting this now to keep people alert to the workshop here on the Cape or - if it's more convenient - at one of the other two sites. And Hannah was kind enough to send a couple of high-res photos for our graphics people, so I thought I'd post one.
Doug should have a photo or two coming in the next day or so.
Meantime, if you are interested in the April 9-10 slipware workshop here in Falmouth, sponsored by the Cape Cod Potters, let me know at hatchvillepottery@comcast.net. Two days of entertaining and brilliant pot-making, each day with a free lunch, in the clay studio at Falmouth High School. It will cost $145 for CCPotters members and $165 for others, $75 for a single day. Falmouth High School art students attend free.


ang design said...

Isn't that owl just gorgeous...cant believe how the trip is creeping up!! oooh whats for lunch??

Linda Fahey said...

what a beautiful piece!

Ron said...


Hollis Engley said...

Yes, that owl is gorgeous. No question. Details are starting to come together up here, Ron. Hope they're not exhausted by the time they get to you.