The Artists Group of Charlestown show in Boston comes at just about the perfect time for New England weather. So it was Saturday, with brilliant blue skies, a few clouds, coolish breezes in the afternoon, lots of young couples with babies and dogs. It was a decent day for sales, with the supply of freshly-fired mugs taking a bit of a beating. Some shows I'll sell not a single mug, Saturday I probably sold 10. Go figure ...
I'm beginning to see the same buyers in Charlestown every year, as people who bought last year come back and tell me how they used their pot and then they buy one or two more. I love that. I just wish I could remember their names. One woman last year bought a very expensive (for my price range) teabowl after considering several. She told me she lived in Japan for many years and particularly likes to use teabowls. This year she bought two more.
And our niece Rhobie's brother-in-law Bill and his wife Erin showed up with their four-month-old boy Reed. (Hope I'm spelling these names right.) They found a crawled and squared Shino bowl for a housewarming gift.
Best of all, Whynot NC potters Meredith and Mark Heywood showed up about noon, after getting off the plane from NC and negotiating a rental car through the tortuous cow-path-oriented streets of Boston that morning. They'll be here in Falmouth Monday and touring the Cape for the next few days.
All in all, a good show, planned well by Dara Pannebaker and the people of the Artists Group of Charlestown. And a couple of post-show hours in the Ironside Grill a block from the park didn't hurt, either.
Photos: This little girl was very serious about her painting, at Susanna Ford's "Paint With Suz" spot across from my tent; checking out earrings at my neighbor Jen's display; back-to-basic-boxes in my display (the ladders are history); and a photo of the potter in his booth, which I know you've all been clamoring for.