Saturday, November 12, 2011

Jim Dorchester

Dee's brother Jim Dorchester, 62, died this morning in Lubec, Maine. His girlfriend Marilyn was with him when he died. Thirty-eight years ago, Jim, a carpenter, moved from Martha's Vineyard to an old house in Maine - in a clearing in the woods next to a dirt road and near the clam flats. In many ways, he lived a 19th century life through the end of the 20th century and into the 21st. He drew water by hand from his own well that whole time. He believed in peace and in saving wild land, in music and in raising his own food. He loved the Maine coast and walked miles of it near his home Down East, usually returning from the beach with a backpack full of other people's trash. He was a man of convictions who lived the kind of life he wanted to live.
We didn't see him often, but we will miss him.
Photos: Walking past his garden in Maine, a month ago; Jim and Marilyn that same weekend, inside their home.


gz said...

sad to see him go, but he had a good simple life.
You must be honoured to have known him and have many good memories

Tracey Broome said...

Hi Dee and Hollis, my sympathies to you for your loss. I would have loved to have known this man. what an interesting person he sounds like. And can I just say, if I had ever been in that room in the photo, you would have had to pry my cold dead body out of there! What a great space! If I had a room like that I would never go anywhere!!
Thanks for sharing these photos. Hugs to Dee xoxo

FetishGhost said...

Many special people live quite lives. It's often these lives that are the benchmarks that I learn to reach towards.

ladyofclay said...

My condolences to you and Dee on Jim's passing. As I worked out in my studio yesterday I thought quite abit about this man I had never met and your discription of how he chose to live his life and how you were able to express your saddness through your beautiful photographs.

Anna M. Branner said...

So sorry...but so happy that Jim was able to live the life he chose. And that you and Dee were able to visit so recently....

cookingwithgas said...

as you know our hearts and thoughts are with you and all the family.
Hold Dee tight for us.
Best M&M

Marcus said...

I think of him whenever I have mud between my toes. He is missed.

cindy shake said...

What a thoughtful post. Our thoughts and prayers are with all who knew your brother-in-law. The photos captured those exact moments beautifully. We should all strive for Natural simplicity which I feel leads to greater clarity. Seems harder to do in these strange, modern times.

Paul Jessop said...

Hi Hollis & Dee, it's nice to hear of someone who lived life as they wanted to live it. Hope you guys are OK. Best wishes from Paul & Marion.

Hollis Engley said...

thanks, all. not an easy time around here, but the family's getting better.