Saturday, December 10, 2011

Last pots thrown before firing

Greenware is scattered all over the studio right now, the last pots made for next weekend's kiln-opening and open studio. One more bisqueload to go, a couple of glazes to mix, a ridiculous amount of neatening to be done in the studio. I'll glaze Wednesday and Thursday, then fire Friday while I finish the cleaning-up of the studio and its conversion into a selling space. It happens every year, though I have no real idea how.
Postcards for the show arrived a few days ago, designed by our paper expert Ruth Bleakley. I'll attach the information side of the card to this post.
I threw a dozen faceted and stretched teabowls yesterday, the first pots I've made this week that felt like I made them only for myself. Everything else felt like an obligation for the weekend show. This weekend and next are filled with open studio shows around Falmouth and Bourne. Potter Denny Howard has one this weekend over in Sagamore; sculptor Sue Beardsley gathered a group of artists at her house this weekend; Tessa Morgan had a reception today at Flying Pig Pottery in Woods Hole; potter Anne Newbury has an open studio in Woods Hole tomorrow; potter Anne Halpin is open next weekend on the Woods Hole Road; Kim Medeiros is receiving guests and buyers at her place next weekend. It's a busy time. We hope everyone spreads their art dollars around.
The photos: Greenware and drying ware around and in the sun outside the studio.


imagine said...

I would have come Hollis but I see that eggnog is only for the first 20 visitors and I think I would be too late for that, but I would like to have seen those cut sided bowls out of the kiln [especially if they had your shino
on them].
I hope everything gets done in time and is a success.

cookingwithgas said...

Best of luck- I love the post card btw..
also I dreamed of you and Dee last night- give her my love, thanks! M

Tracey Broome said...

I am so jealous that you still have time to work in your studio! I had to shut down early for this tour and there is no way to start up with clay while it's going on. I have seen that studio in working order, let's see a pic of your show set up :)
Lots going on up there on that tiny island! Best of luck

smartcat said...

Toes crossed for a busy and profitable show. Another year I might arrive in person. I think you are totally brave (or a little crazed) to be firing this close to an opening!

I'm loving those cut bowls. I think I could fit a fair amount of tea in one!

Hollis Engley said...

Thanks, all. John, I'm sure we could find a cup for you, even if you came late. Tell me your dream, Meredith, though perhaps off-blog ...
Believe me, Tracey, if I didn't have this "warm pots fresh from the kiln" thing going, I wouldn't have been throwing stuff so late. I've been cleaning the studio today and mixing a couple of glazes, but I've still got to glaze a kilnload. Friday while I'm firing I'll get the display set up. Don't get your hopes up on a fabulous layout, though. Suzi, I think "crazed" is a more apt description.