Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year! And firing today ...

Happy 2012, everyone. I decided to do a New Year's Eve firing, which gives me time between gas turn-ups to prepare food for the party tonight at the home of friends. There's a shelf of teabowls and mugs in the kiln, but mostly it's small and medium-size serving bowls. Some with iron slip spattered over Shino, some with the slip under the glaze, some with wood ash. Building inventory, mostly, though there's a statewide competition with a Jan. 6 deadline that I'm hoping some of these pots will work for.
Tonight is a tapas party, so I'm preparing oyster mushrooms fried with tiny Chinese fish and hot red pepper; pimentones padrones, a fried green pepper with sea salt; and spicy shrimp with red chile, garlic and scallions.
Happy what's-left-of-the-holidays, everyone.
Photos: Top, the load before closing the door this morning; the studio, back to its pre-Open Studio mess.


Barbara Rogers said...

Wish I could read whatever you wrote...dark grey on black print just doesn't have enough contrast. Happy new year anyway!

gz said...

just what I was going to say! Good for you with the firing, here's to a good one..starting as you mean to go on!!

Hollis Engley said...

Yes, got fouled up somehow on the typeface. I'll try to fix it.

Hollis Engley said...

There, that should be better. Sorry about that.

Dan Finnegan said...

Happy New Year to you and Dee!

FetishGhost said...

It's been another great year of reading and sharing Hollis. I can't overstate how valuable our community is to me. I look forward to seeing you in the new year. Happy New Year!

cookingwithgas said...

Happy New year to the cape cod bunch!

Hollis Engley said...

We survived another New Year's Eve. Happy 2012, everyone. And good pots in this morning's kiln. I'll post some tomorrow.

Judi Tavill said...

Wow... love that vase/vessel... you sure can party... and work....Keep it all coming! It is so nourishing!