Thursday, October 25, 2012

Aiming toward the Truro kiln

I just finished up making pots for the loading late next week of Castle Hill Center for the Arts' train kiln on the bluffs at Truro, a few hundred yards from the booming Atlantic.
I've never fired there, though lots of friends have and Dan Finnegan came here a couple of years ago to lead a woodfire workshop. I've resisted, for some reason.
But this year Gail Turner of Mill Stone Pottery in Dennis persuaded me to fire in the kiln and I persuaded Kim Medeiros of The Barn Pottery in Pocasset and now the three of us plus Brian Taylor and a few others will fire the kiln the first weekend in November. Brian heads Castle Hill's clay program and is apparently the one elected to remain more or less sleepless through the whole 35 hours or so of the firing.
We'll get in somewhere between 30 and 50 pots. I'll bring more than I need. If they're not there, it's certain they won't get in. So I'll bring some bisque home for my gas kiln. For me, it's B-Mix with a couple of Shinos and perhaps some crackle slip, plus some unglazed B-Mix woodfire clay body with flashing Helmar kaolin. Fat vases, a group of medium-size mugs, big and rough faceted teabowls, smaller faceted cups, and the pinched and coiled-foot teabowls I finished today.
We load Saturday Nov. 2, then light the kiln early in the AM Sunday and fire into Monday afternoon. Should be fun.


Julia said...

Firing at the truro kiln sounds exciting! And the work you have in the pictures in your post are just lovely. :)

Sandy Miller said...

Can't wait to see these fired!

Tracey Broome said...

Loving those pinched teabowls. I was thinking about making some of those the other day, but I would want them wood fired, and that leads to all sorts of other mind wanderings! Very nice ones there, should be wonderful wood fired!

Marcus said...

Cool teabowls -- I love the different feet/bases you've got on them.

Hollis Engley said...

Thanks, guys. Marcus, meet Tracey. You guys should know each other. I was toying with how to put feet on pinched bowls. Decided to put a coil foot on, then stamp it in three places to create individual "feet." The stamp is made from a button that came from Marcus's great-grandmother Gladys, one of hundreds that were in a bucket in her attic when we cleaned it out.