Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year, Everyone!

I've been looking back over the past year ... just a little, anyway. A lot happened over the past 12 months, professionally and personally, but since this is a pottery blog, I thought I would stick mostly to making pottery on Cape Cod.
I've made teabowls from about the time I first learned to center clay on the wheel. I always make teabowls, even when shoppers at craft fairs say, "What would I use this one for?" As if they've never used a cup before.
Anyway, I love making - and using - teabowls ... though I do get a little tired of explaining what they are at the diminishing number of craft fairs I'm doing.
This year, the shapes of my teabowls changed. I began wedging crushed granite into the clay, coning it on the wheel, faceting with a twisted wire, pushing out the walls from the cone. The result was sometimes an off-center bowl, wobbly and sometimes torn rims, protruding stone after firing, occasional cracks extending through the clay. Some of those pots went to a show in Durango, Colorado, many more stayed here with me and went to craft fairs. They are not wildly popular, but some sold. And I'm making more.
In addition, copper red and Oribe pours or splashes started appearing over the Shino glazes.
Color, wow.
And I suspect more is to come. Kim Medeiros and I are planning to build a wood kiln, after we both loved firing the Castle Hill train kiln a couple of months ago. It appears I'm going back to wood, this time with a collaborator. I love growing.
So, here's a pot that represents the past year for me. It came out of the Truro wood kiln. And here are pictures from the off-season Cape, the land that the summer people never see.
Happy New Year, everyone.


cookingwithgas said...

Happy New Year Hollis and the same to your Dee. Keep knocking out those lovely tea bowls and eat some clams for me, please.

Ron said...

Happy New Year. I look forward to seeing the pots that you and Kim get out of the new kiln. Here's to many pots to come, and good times too.

Kimberly Medeiros said...

Wooohooooo! Exciting times. I love the anticipation of what the future holds. Hollis, spending time with your pots and watching the evolution, just this past year has been a joy.Thankyou for your insights, support, influence, and especially for being the amazingly wonderful person you are.I enjoy sharing this clay life with you. All the best in 2013. Keep that fire burning.

Hollis Engley said...

Amen to all three. First day of the year here, sunshine on the Cape Cod snow. Happy New Year, my friends.