Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas, Part Deux

It's Christmas morning, and a wet and dark one here on Cape Cod. But the lights are on in the house, the stockings have been emptied (cooked chestnuts, Santa???) and we're about to head out to join family for Christmas dinner.
But I thought I'd post this small village here in Hatchville, a sort of sub-village of the already very small village. These houses are by our good friend and fine artist Tracey Broome of Chapel Hill, N.C. I think Tracey has her small family together today and she and Gerry are no doubt enjoying daughter Wesley being home from school. So this gathering of Tracey's lovely little houses is a tribute to her and to families together everywhere today.
Merry Christmas, all.


smartcat said...

Good Yule!

Tracey Broome said...

Awww, I might cry:)
Very sweet, I love those little houses. I hope you and your family are enjoying a wonderful day. Gerry is playing his new guitar and Wes is shooting pictures with her new Canon. I have lots of new pottery( what else), books and music. What more could I ask for.
Merry Merry Christmas Day!