Saturday, February 2, 2013

New Studio Potter issue is out

Editor Mary Barringer is working on her final few issues of Studio Potter; she'll soon be going back to full-time clay work. Her latest effort is just out, a collection of articles by clay people about the other thing in their lives that make them whole. There are 23 stories by the likes of Ellen Shankin, Edmund deWaal, Warren McKenzie, Kirk Mangus and Elenor Wilson.
One of them, "A Version of the Truth," is by me, a piece about my continuing work with a camera. I love it that Mary chose to lead my piece with a grainy self-portrait taken last winter with my iPhone 3GS's camera.
(Full disclosure: I was recently voted onto the board of directors of Studio Potter, though Mary and I discussed my story long before that happened.)
Below, the cover of Volume 41, No. 1 or Studio Potter, and the lead to my story. You can get your own copy as well as this year's second issue, if you're so inclined, by e-mailing


Michèle Hastings said...

Congratulations on the SP article. I no longer have a subscription, but our library does. I will have to take a trip into town to read it.

Paul Jessop said...

Looks great Hollis.