Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hands back in the clay

It's been a while since I made pots. My life apparently demands a time away from clay at some point in the year. Usually it's in the winter, but this year I was conscientious about throwing and firing during the cold and dark months. But working on the new gallery space took me away from the wheel in April and I've just gotten back to it in the past couple of days. Faceted bowls, some taller vases, the teabowls that are usually the first thing I make in a firing cycle.
There's nothing spectacular to see in these pots. Not yet, anyway, but it's good to have the studio door open to the summer-like sun and air and good to make pots again.


Anna M. Branner said...

I know there will be some (many?) that will disagree, but I always enjoy taking a break from throwing. Its good for the (my)body and I always feel so fresh when I come back to it!

cookingwithgas said...

Great to see your back!

togeii said...

I can really understand the want to get back in the studio. I just finished building a large kiln that kept me out of my studio for a full year.
Nice pots.

Tracey Broome said...

I think the time spent away was very worthwhile, you have a beautiful gallery now! I would gladly step away from clay to put together a space like that!

Hollis Engley said...

Thanks, guys. It's always good to share stuff with you.

June Perry said...

Pots are looking good. Good to see you back.