Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Spring rains and the beginnings of the garden

This has nothing to do with pottery. Rain came yesterday just as I was about to mow the grass, neglected over the weekend in favor of the Green Mountains. So I didn't mow the lawn, but instead went out and shot some photos of some of Dee's flowering plants in the garden.
At top is a Mt. St. Helens, whose lava-colored blooms show up this time of year. Then some wet iris leaves ... I think. And a pot of lettuce plants with chives in the background.
Oh, OK, one pottery item. A woman and her grown son showed up unexpectedly yesterday on the gravel path leading to the shed gallery. I joined them as they were looking at pots. "Did you have a good time in Vermont?" she asked. I had never met the woman before yesterday, so I was surprised at the question. Turns out she's Gail Laughlin, an amateur potter near Philadelphia, and a regular reader of this blog. Gail also told me she particularly likes the Fetish Ghost blog, listed on the blog roll to the right. I think she's the second blog-reader (Otto Wenger was the first) to show up and look at the pots in person. And she took a few home with her, too. Thank you, Gail.


Tracey Broome said...

I love green after a rain, so intense.
I have people come up to me all the time and ask questions or make comments about something I have written on my blog. I write so much that half the time I don't know what the hell they are talking about!

cookingwithgas said...

That is fun! It does seem funny when someone comments and you think... how do they know that!?
Love the pictures- and tell Dee Hi for me!

Dan Finnegan said...

What is it about all these nice potter/bloggers? Great photos, Hollis. We had two nice rain days, too.

Mr. Young said...

We are in the dry season here... if you can imagine that.
I would come and look at the pots too... but it's a little TOO far to go on a weekend. I will have to continue to see the pots as you show them online. :(

Lori Buff said...

What beautiful pictures. Thanks.
How fun that you got to meet a reader in person. That type of event would make me feel very connected.

ladyofclay said...

Thanks funny Hollis. I can imagine myself doing something similar as Gail did. People reading your blog feel as if they know you already and just continue the conversation when they meet you in person.

Hollis Engley said...

Thanks, all. The sun is shining today, soon it will be time to finally mow the lawn.