Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hatchville teabowls in Thailand

This past fall, John Toomey stopped here with a friend and bought two Shino teabowls. John is a tea master in Thailand and he told me he would take them with him back to Asia, to use when he hosts tea ceremonies in his teahouse.
True to his word, John did just that. And yesterday he sent a selection of photos of the bowls being used in Thailand. You can see some of them here.
I call these bowls "teabowls," though in fact most people who buy from me have no actual idea of what a teabowl might be, or how a bowl might be used in tea ceremony. And I am far from an expert, having participated in only a couple of tea ceremonies - one Japanese in Washington, D.C., and one Chinese at Anderson Ranch in Colorado. But I like to make the forms and I tell people their use is only limited by their imagination. Eat oatmeal out of it, or hummus, or coffee. Doesn't matter to me. Just enjoy the pot.
But it was flattering for someone like John, who does know about tea ceremony, to find my pots here on the Cape and take them back to Thailand for tea. And it was very nice of him to send me the photos. Thank you, John.


cookingwithgas said...

a man with a good eye for good pots.
I had a moment with your pots as I packed them up to go back to you.
My thoughts were someone really missed out those were wonderful and felt so good in the hand.
I enjoy my all the time-wine and water being my choice.

Dan Finnegan said...

In spite of myself and my well known distaste for bowls of tea....HOW COOL IS THAT!? He took beautiful, atmospheric photos ,too, Hollis. What a great compliment. I'll do my best to give you a call tomorrow?

Unknown said...

What an honor and how kind of him to send you appreciation photos. You are blessed~

Hollis Engley said...

Thanks, my friend. It's pretty cool.

Hollis Engley said...

That should read, "Thanks, my friends." Plural.

Ron said...

That IS totally cool!

Tracey Broome said...

I would be extremely flattered! Beautiful photos. I had a pottery instructor once that taught Japanese tableware and at the end of our 8 week class, she brought in tea and showed us the proper way to prepare and serve it and we drank from her beautiful bowls. One of the best classes I have had.

Marcus said...

I had tea, unceremoniously, out of one of your tea bowls yesterday. Comforting.

John said...

The green tea looks great in your bowl!

Lovely room, deserving space for your pots!

yolande clark said...

beautiful photographs...beautiful teabowl(s)!

Hollis Engley said...
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Hannah said...

How really lovely. Great compliment there Hollis.