Monday, April 23, 2012

Throwing resumes ...

I went back to making pots on the weekend, with a couple of dozen bowls and about 20 teabowls and a half-dozen spoon- and brush-holders. The easy stuff, basically, the work I need to fill the shelves in the summer craft shows. I have a slowly developing plan for the next firing, which ought to be about two weeks away. It requires stamping and scribing of the pots, high points in other words. More on that as I think about it more. Here are some drying bowls. Time to cut feet on the teabowls now, while the rain pours down outside.


brandon phillips said...

Your nuka looks stellar! I don't know if you've tried this or not but nuka over an ochre slip is fantastic. It will go that beautiful nuka pearly blue in places. I use straight tile6 kaolin with 7% yellow ochre, apply leatherhard. Though I imagine any high iron slip would work.

Hollis Engley said...

Thanks, Brandon. I'm going to fire a bunch of the nuka in the next firing, so I'll give that one a try.

klineola said...

I always love that picture of a productive Potter's work table!

gz said...

That is a lovely sight!

Brandon that sounds interesting- just found a nice Nuka recipe myself, think I'll test that too!!