Thursday, January 28, 2010

I've gone and soiled my sacred space ...

I make a mess when I make pots. Throwing, trimming, glazing ... whatever. Today I trimmed eight big plates/platters that I threw yesterday and got brown trimmings all over the place. This shot above was made just as I trimmed the foot of the last of yesterday's mugs. That's an old Steve Lally tankard holding lemonade on the mug wareboard. Steve is an old friend from Torpedo Factory days in Alexandria, Va., when I was just learning to make pots.
I've put handles on the mugs and the plates are drying. I fired a bisque load today and will fire another tomorrow and another the day after that. Gotta mix a bunch of glazes in the meantime, hoping to fire the big kiln late next week. But I've got jury duty Monday, which may throw a spanner into the whole thing.
Light snow flurries falling all day today here on Cape Cod.


Julia said...

That is lovely brown clay. Do you mind me asking if that is Laguna Electric Brown, or something else, or one you processed yourself?

Hollis Engley said...

Hi, Julia. That is Miller 750, a cone 10 stoneware. We get Miller clay up here, but my understanding is that it's owned by Laguna. After a few years of experimenting with too many clay bodies, I settled on the 750 and Laguna's cone 10 B-Mix.

Tracey Broome said...

Don't you just love clay at that stage? That is quite a mess you got there, no way I'm showing my mess right now. Hand building and wheel throwing inside, raku firing and sawdust firing outside, I have crap everywhere! Productive messes though, I think! BTW, Gerry is drinking tea from your cup every morning now and loving it! I have my cup back yay :)and Wes has adopted Carole Epp's cup so all is good.

ang design said...

ha haa! i've just cleaned wouldn't like it all spic and span!! oh the jury duty thing hope it's a short ya mugs man...

Hollis Engley said...

Thanks, Trace and Ang. I never make enough mugs. I used to say nobody buys them, then I noticed that I had to keep making them.

Marcus said...

I love those mug shapes -- beauty. I just finished my jury duty stint as well -- missed a flight training b/c of it. Ah well, next one.

Hollis Engley said...

Thanks, Marco. Gotta remember to take a book or two with me Monday to the courthouse.

Paul Jessop said...

Guilty !!

Now can I get back to my workshop ?

Hollis Engley said...

Hard core, Paul. It does rather sound like you're not "fair and impartial." If I was the prosecutor, I'd want a panel full of potters.