Friday, September 2, 2011

Moving on ...

Work goes on in the studio here, a few days after the wedding that didn't happen and the hurricane that partially did. I'm trying to get in a gas firing next week before going to Charlestown for the annual Art in the Park event of the Artists Group of Charlestown, which happens Sept. 10. (Also, by coincidence, the same day that the entire staff of Whynot Pottery from Whynot, NC, arrives in Massachusetts for a bit of time off.)
I spent time today trimming mugs and pulling handles. You can see some of them in the photo, still awaiting the application of what Dan Finnegan calls "dust catchers" where the handle joins the cup. That will happen after the handles stiffen up a bit.
This firing will have mugs and shallow bowls and a few vases and ... anything else I can find on the shelf that needs to be fired.


ang design said...

hey hollis how's the kiln plans going?....glad to see the hurricane was 'kind' to you

cookingwithgas said...

I really like the shape of your mugs and it will be a treat to hold them in person.
C U soon.....

Paul Jessop said...

I love the shape of the mugs as well.
glad to see you guy's are all fine.