Monday, July 9, 2012

Fireworks kayak paddle

   With Independence Day in midweek, local fireworks displays were scattered over about a 10-day period. Which meant that last night the village of Onset, a few miles over the bridge from the Cape, held its annual show of aerial explosions. 
   We paddled in the sunset out from Monument Beach about 7:45 with friends Mike, Tammy, Diane, Jamie and Jordan and paddled in the general direction of Onset. Close enough that we could see the fireworks, not so close that we had to portage or risk crossing the Cape Cod Canal approaches.
It was a lovely, cool night on the water, the noisy fireworks impressive, though distant. We paddled home in the dark, past the rocks and through the anchorage, everyone arriving safely. 


Tracey Broome said...

Living the good life there Hollis! Beautiful shots :)

cookingwithgas said...

What a beautiful picture and what a life you have.

Hollis Engley said...

Living the good life when I'm away from the traffic. You should see it here these days. But thanks, my friends. We like where we live.

Shortstuff said...

That sounds delightful. I love to kayak and doing it in the (relative) cool of the evening sounds divine.

Quietly Otaku said...

Wow looks so beautiful! I've never been kayaking before but I imagine it gives you such a different perspective on a river