Thursday, July 5, 2012

Post-postscript to the Skutt ...

Perry Petersen at Skutt Tech Support diagnoses my recent KM1027 kiln nervous breakdown to bad relays, which some of you have already suggested. Perry got back to me quickly, for which I'm grateful. I've ordered the relevant relays and wiring harness from Portland Pottery and should have them in a couple of days.
Thanks for the advice and encouragement, all. I'm going to go out to the studio and begin some long-necessary shelf-removal and slight re-arrangement so that I can actually get to the kiln and work on it.
Two more photos attached that are not particularly relevant to the kiln problems. First, a bow to you in the U.S. South, who have dealt with temperatures near and above 100F for the past week. Maybe a little snowy barn gable end will help you remember winter is coming. Second, a look at some of Vermont potter Bob Compton. Great potter, kilnbuilder extraordinaire, nice guy, drop by and see him if you're ever near the pretty little town of Bristol.


Tracey Broome said...

ahhhh, yes, just what we need in the south! Photos of SNOW, I can almost feel it!!! It really sucked today, I can barely move!

cookingwithgas said...

Mark and I are hiding in the cool of the house when we really need to be loading the kiln and firing.
102 for firing yes, some winter would help- just a taste.