This was the day for visiting potters Hannah McAndrew and Doug Fitch to get to know Cape Cod a bit. The day started at Coffee Obsession in Falmouth, with tea and croissants and new friends. Bruce, Mary, Betsy and Janet showed up. Janet is actually a blog-reader, though not a potter, and she greeted Doug and Hannah with hugs and the familiarity of an old friend. And she brought apple tart to share. And shared her durian, which some think is a foul-smelling tropical fruit, but which Janet quite loves.
We went on to visit slipware potter Ron Geering's studio and gallery (Ron is off-Cape in England, but left a key). Lovely work, as always. Then down the road to Tessa Morgan's place, where Doug was enlisted in showing Tessa how he makes big pots. Then lunch, opening of the boxes of pots that arrived a few days ago (minimum breakage, lovely pots), and then down-Cape to visit potter Gail Turner, another avid blog-reader and one of the people who initiated bringing these two to Cape Cod.
Then dinner at Jack's Lounge, a Hyannis pub, with this blogger's softball teammates. Fairly raucous, with Doug trying to figure out baseball, which was playing on a nearby TV. "Oh," said Hannah, "It's just like rounders."
Then back home to blog and bed. More tomorrow.
Photos: The atlas comes out at Coffee Obsession, so that we can figure out the potters' UK geography; Janet and Doug and her apple tart; Doug throws big clay at Flying Pig Pottery; unwrapping the newly arrived pots; with Gail Turner at her Mill Stone Pottery in Dennis.