Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fully conscious and on American soil!

Doug Fitch and Hannah McAndrew arrived safely in Boston this afternoon, after a slightly shaky flight from Heathrow in London. I was there with our friend Tammy Race to meet the two potters. We gave them a drive-by tour of Boston as we exited the tunnel and head south, stopped at the Races' for a beer and conversation, then on to Hatchville for a light dinner and off to bed.
Both are slowly getting used to the idea that they're not in the British Isles any longer. At least not for the next few weeks. And it's been an adjustment to be driven on the "wrong side of the road." Or so they say.
More in the days to come. The two will teach a slipware pottery workshop this weekend at Falmouth High School. You can still sign up for the workshop. Just go to capecodpotters.org and follow the workshop links. Or e-mail hatchvillepottery@comcast.net and I'll lead you through it.
The photo: Dinner in Falmouth, left to right are Hannah, Doug and my wife Dee.


Tracey Broome said...

Tell Doug and Hannah, fingers crossed, I will see them in Seagrove on the 26th!

Ron said...

Very good to see these two safe and sound. Welcome to the US Hannah and Doug. Can't wait to see you both in a couple weeks.

cookingwithgas said...

how exciting! I know you are happy to have them on the ground.
Are they ready to get to work?

Dan Finnegan said...

Congratulations! No doubt that getting here would be the hardest part of the trip. What does "shaky' mean

Anna M. Branner said...

Yay! So glad the big flight is done for now....but I'm with Dan, shaky??

Hollis Engley said...

Nothing dangerous, they say, but a bit bumpy out over the Pond. They kept each other from asking to be let off mid-flight.

Paul Jessop said...

Nice Pic Hollis, But I've seen Doug first thing in the morning, so could you spare us a pic of Doug having Breakfast!

Great to see they both got there OK
Have Fun.

Unknown said...

Fantastic! Have a wonderful visit and workshops...look forward to updates on their travels :)

cookingwithgas said...

Tell us about that salad bowl.....

Margaret Brampton said...

Glad to know they arrived safely. Hope you all have a brilliant time potting.

Christine said...

So great they got there. Glad they have a few days for the white knuckles to fade. Have fun all.

ang design said...

hi guys!!!!!