Saturday, April 16, 2011

Left behind by Hannah McAndrew

We here at Hatchville Pottery think that our young kitten/cat Cleo took Hannah seriously last week when she said she wanted to take Cleo back to Scotland. She appears to be missing both Doug Fitch and Hannah, after they bonded with her over five days living with us last week. Here, she gets a whiff of Hannah from the tiny slipware jug she left with us.
The basket has become her favorite nesting place since Dan Finnegan left it here Monday. Finnegan handed it to me in the Coffee Obsession parking lot, saying, "Here, I brought this for you." Frankly, I think he was so overwhelmed with luggage and boxes from the three traveling potters (Australian Angela Walford was the third) that he was desperate to get ANYTHING out of his Jeep. Hence the gift.
We thought Dan, a longtime cat man, would be delighted that he gave Cleo a new resting place.


Tracey Broome said...

What a great shot! Love that little jug, what a perfect piece to have to remember the workshop.

Ron said...

Doug's used to having kittens all around him at home so I'm sure he bonded with Cleo. Love Hannah's little pots.

Peter said...

That is so nice! Cats are an important part of our household too, though I am not sure that ours would get as hopelessly lovesick as this one appears to be. Mind you... who knows, Hannah is rather special! You should inform your little feline friend, gently, that it can rain rather a lot in Scotland.. and there are bagpipes to be afraid of! And I am sure that some of the seafood that appears so frequently on your blog would do a lot to ease such sweet sorrow!

Our ginger cat has muttered something along the lines of "go catch a rat!" Which I think he means nicely. He enjoys managing our rodent population, finds it therapeutic, and thinks that we should all enjoy this blood sport too!

Thank you for covering Hannah and Doug's visit so well on your blog, it has been delightful just reading about it. Of course I am hugely wishing that I could have been there too and met up with you all, but it has been lovely to have had a glimpse of things , even from this distance.

Best wishes, P

cookingwithgas said...

sweet- even if it was not meant to be- the cat has found her place.
Love the baby jug!
I am going to have a beer for you- some suds....

Hollis Engley said...

Thanks, guys. Cleo came to us about a month ago from the local cat rescue group of dedicated older ladies. She's fit right in, and given Niko, our six-year-old cat, someone else to chase in the house after his brother Blanco died last fall. She's a tough little thing, does not back down when Niko confronts her, but was a lap cat for Hannah. And you're right, Peter, damn few bagpipes around this house. Not many sheep, either.
I'll share a beer with you at some point, Meredith.

Anna M. Branner said...

Just home from the Fredericksburg workshop. Thanks so much for letting those two go! What a great weekend. (And your new kitty looks so melancholy!)

Dan Finnegan said...

You know that they call me the "cat whiffer-er"!!! One noseful and they're like putty in my hands...